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All church leaders are sinners. The ideal leader would be spotless, wholly righteous, without sin. This describes Jesus, who is the Head of the church with all supremacy and perfection. (Ephesians 5:23; Hebrews 1:3-4).  Strictly human leaders, however are deeply flawed. (Romans 3:23) Yet the One without sin still uses flawed human leaders to direct and guide His Body, as seen throughout scripture, beginning with the Twelve He chose. It is the Holy Spirit who sanctifies.
While prayerfully and diligently preparing for qualified elders and deacons as directed in Titus and 1 Timothy, the church should be lead by reputable and qualified leaders. (Galatians 2:2; Hebrews 13:7, 17).
At Foothills, the Leadership Team was chosen by the congregation based upon the qualifications described and indicated in these and other scriptures – qualities that demonstrate sobriety of mind and wisdom through studying and teaching the Word, a willing heart turned toward care and protection of those for whom they lead in view of their souls’ well-being, and a transforming life of faith that can be observed and imitated.  
We are blessed to have each of these men and their God-given gifts for the benefit of the Body and the Kingdom. May God be glorified through this team of servant leaders.

Paul Tate

Carney Briggs


Steve Infantino

Mike Westaby

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